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Comment on article: “The publication and its commitment to society”

How to cite this article: Aguilar-García CR. Comment on article: “The publication and its commitment to society”. Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc. 2015 Jul-Aug;53(4):398.



Comment on article: “The publication and its commitment to society”

César Raúl Aguilar-Garcíaa

aServicio de Medicina Interna, Hospital General de Zona 197 Texcoco, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro social, Estado de México, México

Communication with: Cesar Raúl Aguilar-García

Telephone: (55) 2855 0276.


Regarding the editorial "The publication and its commitment to society" by Dr. Arturo Fajardo Gutierrez Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2014; 52 (4): 364-6, I am pleased and delighted that such a trained and experienced person in clinical and epidemiological research should make constructive criticism of himself and the institution where he works.

He is quite right when he expresses the commitment we have to publish. It is well known that the medical and health area that is involved or interested in research is minimal. The health institutions in which we work are a major research center where those who are dedicated to the operational area have a great opportunity to investigate and publish daily tasks as well as achievements, from the most basic form of research as in clinical work, to multicenter clinical studies or consensus documents. Interest doing research or providing a clinical case is of great importance and merit for those health professionals who do not have the training of researchers, it is doing more for our profession, for ourselves and for patients; it gives us a plus. Dr. Fajardo mentions the satisfaction of a researcher seeing their work published; imagine the satisfaction when a doctor who is not a career researcher spontaneously and on their own initiative achieves the publication of an article, this is one of the greatest satisfactions imaginable in the professional field. But the satisfaction does not end there, rather it continues when peers are encouraged to do the same, and at least one out of many may be convinced to do it. This means that there is interest and encouragement to make known what is done in our institutions and our daily work. All of us as practitioners do medical examinations, consultations, and invasive procedures, but few of us invest our time, plentiful or limited, to document and investigate any issue or situation of interest which enhances our work.

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