How to cite this article: Medrano J. Answer to comment on the article “Reflections on the concept of communication…”. Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc. 2016;54(1):75.
Joel Medranoa
aHospital General Regional 200, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Tecámac, Estado de México, México
It is true. What Dr. María Elena Hoyo says is correct. There is a great difference between aprender and aprehender. The spirit of the article is observing "something" with critical thinking, not only with ethical eyes (i.e. from the expert perspective), as Dr. Hoyo does, which is very good, but sometimes insufficient. I mean: according to the first definition of the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española,1 aprehender is "To take, seize, apprehend someone, or something, especially contraband" (the meaning that Dr. Hoyo adheres to), but the third refers to the philosophical meaning: "Conceiving of the species of things without judging them or without affirming or denying," that is, this refers to "simple apprehension".2 I conceive of constructs, ideas, categorizations and so on, through a materialistic phenomenology, by which, according to Kant,3 knowledge comes a posteriori of the material (the sensible, the sensual), not a priori, which refers to the first impression, or simple apprehension of the dictionary.2,4 On the other hand, Enrique Dussel5 explains that man, thanks to his poetic capacity, both material and intellectual, categorizes determinations (ideas) according to time, place, space, hegemonies, and interpretations of certain determination, so it (usually) becomes a determinant. The "determined determining determination" of the word "aprehensión" is definitely exciting.
However, the aforementioned text says that the premise is recognizing the other, understanding their context and apprehending it; that is, grabbing it, taking it, making the other (otherness) become us-ness, through a communicative emic construction.