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Changes on craniofacial structures in children with growth-hormone-deficiency

Ricardo Salas-Flores, Brian González-Pérez, Ricardo Leopoldo Barajas-Campos, Betzabe Gonzalez-Cruz


Objective: to describe the growth of craniofacial structures in growth-hormone deficiency (GHD) children during growth-hormone therapy (GHT).

Methods: a cross-sectional sample of 46 subjects (n = 14 girls, 32 boys) aged 4-18 years was obtained. They were categorized into two paired groups: the reference group, for comparing the cephalograms, consisted in 23 healthy subjects, and the study group (23 patients) with GHD under GHT. Differences between groups were assessed by independent t-tests.

Results: the boys showed smaller measurements for all facial structures presenting significant differences in total mandibular length (Co-Pg p < 0.03), lower anterior facial height (ANS-Me p < 0.03) and total anterior facial height (N-Me p < 0.02) as well as retrognathic facial type. In girls the posterior cranial base length was shortened (S-Ba 29.14 ± 3.02 mm) and show a high mandibular plane angle (40 ± 5.50º) a wide relation anterior maxillo-mandibular (5.86 ± 1.57º) with a statistical difference (p < 0.05 and p < 0.04) compared with the reference group. 

Conclusions: we suggest considering the cephalometric morphology at the beginning of GHT.

Palabras clave

Desarrollo maxilofacial; Hormona del Crecimiento; Cefalometría; Valores de referencia

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