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Resultados de encuestas a usuarios de guarderías IMSS durante la pandemia por COVID-19 / Results of surveys to users of IMSS children daycare centers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Tania Azcárate-Yáñez, Vesta Louise Richardson-López Collada, Víctor Manuel Pérez-Robles, Martín Alejandro Camacho-Franco



Background: Studies carried out in Mexico show that the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted families in every field. Confinement has generated problems and economic, social and health instability in a large sector of the population, especially in the most vulnerable, to which children and adolescents are part of.

Objective: To identify the impact of the confinement and closure of children daycare centers from the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Material and methods: Three questionnaire-type surveys were implemented via email for workers who were users of IMSS children daycare centers from September to November 2020. The surveys had a perception design, one- and two-stage, simple random and with results by segments. Results were obtained for independent proportions. The z-test was applied at 95% confidence.

Results: Effects on workers and child users of the service derived from the closure of children daycare centers were observed, and it was greater in entities with closed children daycare centers than with those ones in operation (p < 0.0001).

Conclusions: The negative impact derived from the closure of children daycare centers due to the confinement by COVID-19 in workers who use the service and their children was identified. The spheres with the greatest impact were the economic, the working environment, as well as the children’s health (and their families).

Palabras clave

Guarderías Infantiles; Autocuarentena; COVID-19; Usuarios; Impacto / Child Day Care Centers; Self-Quarantine; COVID-19; Users; Impact

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